Understanding the Anatomy of the Brain

Navigating the Complexities of the Brain & Identifying Brain Injury Symptoms​

Clear signs of brain injury, such as slurred speech, memory loss, or impaired cognition and motor function, make for relatively easy and straightforward cases when it comes to winning compensation for brain injuries sustained due to negligence. There are also other, more difficult-to-spot symptoms of brain injuries that are not so easy to see. These emotional and traumatic symptoms can include serious depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other symptoms that are more difficult to prove in court. It's important to note, however, that brain injuries resulting in these symptoms are still serious cases that deserve compensation. 

The brain injury lawyers at Carpenter & Zuckerman know how to navigate different types of brain injury cases in order to win victims the monetary recovery they deserve. We have extensive knowledge and experience in these types of cases, no matter how easy or difficult they may seem to prove in court. We also have a network of trusted physicians whose main goal is to identify brain injuries and get these victims the care they need to fully heal.

An Overview of Brain Anatomy

It goes without saying that the brain is an incredibly complex part of the body, with many different areas that can be damaged. Attorneys who represent brain injury victims not only need to have extensive knowledge of the law, but they must also have a high level of knowledge of brain anatomy and how brain trauma can affect different parts of the brain.

Major structures within the brain include:

  • The cerebral cortex — Also referred to as the cerebrum, is the largest part of the brain and is made up of two hemispheres, the right, and the left. Positioned underneath the forehead, the cerebral cortex is made up of 4 lobes:
    • Frontal lobe — This lobe, as its name suggests, is located at the front of the skull and is the part of the brain most responsible for reason, judgment, and general information. It also controls some of the major muscle and motor functions. 
    • Parietal lobe — Located at the top-back of the brain, this lobe oversees visual sensation, the senses, and how the rest of the body reacts to them.
    • Occipital lobe — This lobe is located at the back of the skull and is responsible for controlling vision. 
    • Temporal lobes — We have two of these lobes with each positioned above the ears, and they control our ability to hear, taste, and smell. They also control short-term memory, particularly memories of sound and smell, two of the most powerful memory recollection senses. 
  • Membranes — Membranes literally keep the brain together and support the brain during trauma, keeping it from separating.
  • Brain stem — This is what merges the brain with your spinal cord.
  • Cerebrospinal fluid — CSF is a fluid that surrounds our membranes and cushions them from the other parts of the brain, and it also delivers nutrients from the blood vessels to brain cells.

Get the Medical Evaluation You Need After a Brain Injury

After a brain injury, it is critical that you get properly evaluated by the right medical professionals. Rather than simply going to a regular physician, you should be seen by a specialist who focuses on treating conditions of the brain.

A specialist, when tasked with assessing a brain injury victim, will rely on many different tests and screenings to determine the extent of trauma to the brain. These tests can include MRIs, CAT scans, and other methods that are used for case litigation as well as negotiations with insurance companies.

If you believe you may have a brain injury caused by someone else's negligence, contact our team at Carpenter & Zuckerman. We can connect you with the right medical specialists and build a strong case on your behalf so you can win the compensation you deserve.

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